La maniobra de la tortuga / Unfinished Affairs

La maniobra de la tortuga / Unfinished Affairs

Title: La maniobra de la tortuga / Unfinished Affairs
Genre: Crime novel / Police procedural
Publisher: AdN
Date of publication: May 2022
Pages: 350

Benito Olmo sets his detective novel in Cádiz and weaves an intricate mesh of diverse narrative threads from which you will not be able to even attempt an escape.

After an unfortunate incident, inspector Bianquetti is obliged to accept a transfer to Cádiz, a presumably quiet destination where his superiors believe he will not cause trouble, which given his violent and unpredictable history is difficult to say for sure.

The murder of a nineteen-year-old Colombian girl will rouse him into action. Bianquetti will throw himself in quest for the offender, he will launch a solo investigation and use all his resources to find the murderer. As the pages go by, the plot will become darker and more engrossing, exposing a dangerous web of corruption, violence and impunity.

Re-teaming Del Castillo with De Molina, “Unfinished Affairs” is equally grounded in a social reality – Andalusia’s extraordinary Cadiz –  but adds a larger crime thriller propulsion to the tale of a police inspector, Manuel Bianquetti, who is forced to relocate  to the city.