Los días felices / Happy Days

Los días felices / Happy Days

Title: Los días felices / Happy Days
Genre: Crime novel / Police procedural
Publisher: (AdN) Alianza De Novelas
Date of publication: May 2023
Pages: 296

Detective Mascarell and Ayla are once again caught up in Frankfurt’s shadiest business dealings.

Ayla has everything against her. She is sixteen years old, an immigrant, she makes a living boxing and, as if that weren’t enough, she has to look after her father who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The arrival of someone from her past will force her to take part in a dangerous game of favours, debts and deceit. It will also lead to a reunion with Mascarell, a peculiar detective involved in a most strange assignment. In the meantime, a power struggle develops to pull the strings of Frankurt’s darker side that will end up splashing blood all over the place.

Benito Olmo is back with a high quality crime novel that puts the spotlight on the business of clandestine fights and the networks of exploitation of beggars.